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Western Power has begun an extensive package of work to manage the capacity of key distribution feeders across the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).

The $28 million investment is part of a long-term strategy to strengthen network resilience and improve reliability for the community.
Western Power Executive Manager of Asset Management Gair Landsborough said the work will manage the capacity of some of the network’s key overutilised feeders.

“Distribution feeders are the underground cables (or overhead wires) that connect a zone substation to distribution transformers. Distribution transformers convert the medium voltage used feeders to low voltage, ensuring it’s suitable for residential use,” he said.

“Feeders can come under pressure during periods of extreme high demand or during significant weather events.

“This package of work will manage the capacity of the feeders to meet forecasted demand and help to mitigate the occurrence of unplanned outages,” Mr Landsborough said.

“While we cannot guarantee 100 per cent reliability, we’re doing everything we can to improve network resilience to minimise the duration and number of unplanned outages and improve the communities overall power experience.”

The distribution feeder work will also help prepare the network for future demand and support industry and the community in reaching their decarbonisation goals.

“The additional capacity created thanks to these upgrades will also facilitate the greater connection of renewables such as rooftop solar,” Mr Landsborough said.

“This work is another example of how we are expanding the distribution network to meet forecasted demand and secure the pathway to a decarbonised future.”

The work involves managing the capacity of 10 distribution feeders, through the installation of 42 kilometres of underground cable, in Mandurah, Meadow Springs, Beechboro, Byford and Southern River.

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