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Move or remove a pole

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Who is this for?

For people wanting to move or remove a stay pole, low or high voltage distribution pole.

*This is for distribution assets only, if your request also includes transmission and/or communication infrastructure (this includes stay poles to transmission lines), use move or remove transmission and communication assets.

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How long will it take?

3 months to provide you with a technical assessment

4-6 months to provide you with a design and quote, depending on the complexity of your project

3 months to construct, upon payment of quote and confirmation your site is ready

*Timeframes indicative only and subject to change based on demand.

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How much will it cost?

We'll provide a quote after we complete the scoping and design of your project.

Application fee

Application fee (plus 0.59% credit card surcharge) $497.42


Design fee

Project complexity Design fee
Standard $1,320
Detailed $3,300
Complex $6,600

* While the design fee is GST inclusive, the GST exclusive amount will be deducted from the access offer if proceeding, i.e. GST is not refunded


Other fees

Description Fee
Construction costs We will provide a quote
Cancellation fee $550

If there are third party assets (e.g. telecommunication equipment) on the pole, we will organise for them to be relocated; these costs will appear in your quote.

Application process

You’ve applied

We’ll contact you to discuss your application.

You’ll receive a scope

After our technical assessment we’ll confirm the scope of works with you.

You’ll receive design fee invoice

Once payment is received, we will design the project to your needs.

You’ll receive a quote for the delivery of the works

After the acceptance and payment is received, we’ll schedule the works for delivery. Schedules are dependent on your location and the complexity of our work.

Let us know how we went

Your feedback is importance to help ensure we’re meeting your needs and expectations.


Additional information you need to know

If there are third party assets (e.g. telecommunication equipment) on the pole, we will organise for them to be relocated; these costs will appear in your quote.


What to include with your application

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A site plan

Provides us with an understanding of your work site, the location of existing and new assets and help us to design your product. It will need to include:

  • Your property
  • Neighbouring properties
  • The location of the supply point

Site plan for move or removing a pole

For a site plan to be accepted, it must clearly show:

  • clearly-marked lot/house numbers where available street names and any nearest cross road/s.
  • location of proposed streetlight/d, distance/s from lot boundaries OR GIS coordinates (longitude and latitude) offset from side boundaries.
  • pole number/s for existing poles or clearly marked location of new poles to be installed.


Creating a site plan using maps or satellite images

An easy way to create a site plan is to use an online mapping service like Google Maps. Just take a screenshot of the address and then label the requirements on it.

mapping service

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Site photos

Help us understand your current connection arrangements and more easily identify potential site-specific issues. Photos will need to include:

  • The extent of the worksite
  • Any obstructions in the area
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Neighbours authority

If your project will impact your neighbour’s property by having new assets installed or relocated on or in front of their property, you’ll need their authorisation.

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Local government authority

If the pole you wish to remove/relocate has a streetlight on it you need to get local government approval before applying.

Ready to move or remove a pole

Once you’ve gotten the above, you are ready to apply.