Terms of reference
Customer Examples |
Why do we need it? |
Bill of materials |
The bill of materials is a TXT file based on the DDC manual created from Microstation or DQM CU EXPORT FACILITY and generated by the DQM/CAD Interface. Your bill of materials is to be provided for Design Conformance Review in accordance with Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 4.4.4. |
CAD (Computer Assisted Design) site plan |
Your CAD plan helps us better understand your work site and location of assets. We extract data from your plan to assist us with your design. See example here. |
Civil NER certification verifies that the substation retaining walls are structurally sound and/or battered slopes are suitable for their purpose. This certification must be provided in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 5.3.18. |
Concept plan, including stage timing |
A concept plan provides us with a view of the subdivision, the scale of the project and nature of the proposed electrical network. Together with stage timing information, we can undertake planning assessments and produce a Design Information Package(DIP). See example of HV concept plan. |
Design drawing |
Design drawings are provided for Design Conformance Review in accordance with Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 4.4.4. The drawings must be geospatially correct by incorporation of Map Grid of Australia MGA94 grid system. Other design drawing requirements are in Appendix 4 of the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual. |
Disturbing loads |
The information allows us to check the impact of your loads on the network. You must comply with Power Quality limits as per AS/NZS 61000.3.11, SA-SNZ TR IEC 61000.3.14 and Western Power Technical Rules. |
Draft design drawing |
Draft design drawings provided with your application assist us to complete your Design Information Package. |
Electrical NER certification |
Electrical NER certification must be provided for a Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 4.4.4. The certification template is available in Appendix 3 of the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual. |
EPR assessment |
EPR (Earth Potential Rise) must be assessed when a new HV earth is proposed. The assessment must be provided for a Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 5.3.20. |
Equipment schedule |
An equipment schedule allows us to notify the electricity retailer of the new/changed load of the UMS connection; and, check that the load does not exceed 4.8kW (20A) single phase. |
Hydrology drawings and water table levels |
Hydrology drawings and water table levels demonstrate flood event and water table levels in relation to above ground assets and transformer stability. Assets must be located above flood event levels. This information must be provided for a Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 5.3.3. See example here. |
Lighting schedule |
A lighting schedule allows us to understand the type and size of lights you require and check that we can provide them. |
Load breakdown |
Your load breakdown allows us to assess the impact your project will have on the network. It also allows us to apply the appropriate charging policy. See example here. |
Local Government Authorisation |
You will need to provide evidence in writing from your local government authority stating that you have their approval to conduct this work. |
Location plan |
A location plan shows your project site on a map within the surrounding area. See example here. |
LV volt drop assessment |
This assesses that the voltage drop, line currents and fuse protection are adequate for each circuit. The assessment must be provided for Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 4.4.4. |
Neighbours authority |
You must have authorisation from your neighbour if your project will impact their property. |
Payment Guarantee for Design Information Package & Design Conformance Review fees |
A payment guarantee gives us permission to deal with your design organisation, and is your agreement to pay the associated fees for the Design Information Package and Design Conformance Review if your project does not proceed. See appointments and authorisation. |
Precal (DGN) |
Your DGN precal file allows us to identify the stage boundary for your project and is used to produce your Design Information Package. For street light projects, your DGN file indicates intended light locations. |
The single line diagram provides us with the technical information to design a connection to meet your requirements. See example here. |
Site photos |
Site photos help us understand your current connection arrangements and more easily identify potential site specific issues. See example here. |
Site plan |
Site plans provide us with an understanding of your work site, the location of existing and new assets and help us to design your product. See example here. |
Specific purpose statement |
A clear, specific purpose statement helps us understand what you need and why, your timeline and location details. |
Statement of compliance to AS/NZS 61000.3.11 and SA-SNZ TR IEC 61000.3.14 |
Your accredited electrical contractor or consultant must submit a statement verifying that the installation complies with AS/NZS 61000.3.11 and SA-SNZ TR IEC 61000.3.14 and Western Power’s Technical Rules. |
Streetlight authorisation letter |
An authorisation letter from the local government is required to proceed with a project that includes decorative or private street lighting. This authorisation must be provided for Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 4.4.4 |
Unmetered supply network standard |
View the Unmetered supply network standard for access to the application form and guidance on how to complete it. |
Voltage fluctuation report |
This report demonstrates that the voltage fluctuation occurring at your point of supply is within limits defined in SA/SNZ TS IEC 61000.3.5:2013 “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Limits - limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage power supply systems for equipment with a rated current greater than 75 A”. The report is to be provided for a Design Conformance Review in accordance with the Underground Distribution Schemes Manual Section 2.1.3. |