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Customer deliverables

The following table summarises the customer inputs/deliverables required to progress through the various stages of the connection process.

Stage Activity Customer inputs / deliverables required
Enquiry Connection Options Assessment 
  • Enquiry form submitted
  • Contract executed and payment received
  • Critical project criteria evidence 
Initiation Connection Application Assessment 
  • Connection application form
  • Steady State Power Factory Model
  • Model User Guide  
  • Single Line Diagram
  • Equipment Data Sheet 
  • Payment of application fee
  • Critical project criteria evidence 
Initiation Connection Options Assessment (if required) 
  • Contract executed and payment received  
Initiation Steady State Study
  • Payment received
  • Preferred connection option confirmed (form Connection Options Assessment)
  • SWIS Base Model Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed for self-serving customers
  • Steady State Study report submitted for self-serving customers
Initiation Grid Input Package
  • Payment received
Initiation GPS Model Due Diligence and GPS Assessment R0 Validation
  • Payment received
  • GPS assessment submission
  • Updated Connection Application (with D Data)
  • Dynamic Power Factory Model
  • Model User Guide
Initiation Load Model Assessment or Load Model Due Diligence
  • Payment received
  • Updated Connection Application (with D Data)
  • Dynamic Power Factory Model
  • Model User Guide
Initiation Community Engagement and Environmental Desktop Assessment
  • Payment received
  • Preferred connection option confirmed (form Connection Options Assessment)
Initiation Scope definition
  • Payment received
Scoping Project Scoping (including Concept Design and estimation)
  • Payment received
  • Site Location and Line route confirmed
  • Environmental, Planning and Heritage due diligence assessment provided
  • Community Engagement conducted
  • Land Access in Principle agreement received
  • Critical project criteria evidence
Planning Access Offer Preparation
  • Payment received
  • Final 3rd party approvals (Environmental, Planning, Heritage and Land Access)
  • Critical project criteria evidence
Execution Dynamic Studies
  • Access Offer contracts (IWC and ETAC) executed, and payment/securities received
Execution EMT Studies (Stage 1 and 2)
  • Access Offer contracts (IWC and ETAC) executed, and payment/securities received
  • Updated Connection Application
  • PSCAD Model
  • Model User Guide
Execution Detailed Design
  • Access Offer contracts (IWC and ETAC) executed, and payment/securities received.
Execution Construction & Commissioning

Access Offer contracts (IWC and ETAC) executed and all IWC customer deliverables have been satisfied, these may include:

  • Final studies and designs completed
  • Financial close achieved (payment or securities received)
  • All land access agreements are in place
  • All easements have been agreed
  • All Environmental, Planning and Heritage Approvals have been provided
  • All third-party approvals (gas, water, railway, telecommunications etc.) provided

For market participant generators a Commissioning Test Plan, which documents commissioning tests to be performed, must be approved by AEMO in advance of any testing. 

 GPS R1 & R2 assessment submissions (Generation only)

Execution Non-Thermit Limit Equation Studies
  • Latest confirmed model fo the customers facility

Customer considerations

Customers are responsible for completing all activities related to securing land for the Western Power owned customer connection assets and shared network assets required for connection to the network (e.g., line route and/or terminal yard), including:  

  • Community engagement and land access negotiations 
  • Environmental spring surveys 
  • Easements and line route corridors 
  • Clearing, working near other asset approvals 
  • 3rd party permits, approvals and land acquisitions 

Generator connections will proceed under constrained access via AEMO’s Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) engine and your facility would be subject to SCED control. You are encouraged to consult AEMO’s constraint equations and perform Market modelling to understand the commercial impact SCED may have on the proposed facility, before proceeding with your Connection Application. 

It’s suggested that customers consider the following items before commencing the connection process: 

  1. Familiarisation with the relevant government policies and Western Power’s guidelines and contract templates 
  2. Key project driver: 
    • Time i.e., progressing faster with less scope/cost/time certainty vs more certainty i.e., prioritising increased scope/cost/time certainty over progressing faster 
  3. Appetite for performing self-serve options: 
    • Steady State Studies 
    • Load Model Assessment 
  4. Engaging an appropriate consultant(s) to support your project with the following if/when required:  
    • Understanding the energy market, future tariffs and project staging requirements 
    • Western Power’s connection application process 
    • Performing network studies and other constraint analysis 
    • Equipment compliance to WEM/Technical Rules and Generator Performance Standards (GPS)  
    • Identifying potential line route(s) for connection assets 
    • Conducting environmental, planning and heritage assessments and surveys (if/when required) 
    • Community Engagement consultation with affected landowners, residents, and businesses 
  5. Appetite for early procurement of long lead materials 


Western Power currently holds contracts with a number of suppliers to undertake ‘Network Planning and Power System Studies,’ a defined service category under Western Power’s Professional Engineering Panel. 

The table below lists the suppliers that Western Power has an active contract with under this category.


Category Supplier  Service category 13: Network Planning & Power System Studies 
Amplitude Consultants Pty Ltd  Transmission only 
Alliance Power and Data  Distribution and Transmission 
Ekistica Pty Ltd  Distribution only 
Energyze Pty Ltd  Transmission only 
GHD Pty Ltd  Distribution and Transmission 
Jacobs Group Pty Ltd  Distribution and Transmission 
Merz Consulting Pty Ltd  Distribution and Transmission 
Power Systems Consulting  Distribution and Transmission 

While suppliers have been qualified to perform services in this category directly for Western Power, this is not an endorsement of supplier’s capability experience or performance, and customers should consider their individual project requirements and perform an independent assessment of the suppliers before engaging their services. The above table is not to be interpreted as an exhaustive list of suppliers from which Western Power will accept work. We will work with suppliers that are not contained in the above table and are engaged by a customer provided they have the required capability and experience.