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Contracts, costs and timeframes

The table below summarises the Western Power contract(s) used, indicative cost and timeframe estimates, and the Western Power deliverable customers will receive, for each activity during the various stages of the connection process. 

Please note, all Western Power time spent on your project is cost recoverable and will be reconciled based on actuals upon completion of the work. Work will not commence until payment has been received. The estimated costs and timeframes shown above are to be used as a guide and will vary depending on project specifics, such as facility size, connection voltage, complexity and geographic etc. Some of these activities can be conducted concurrently so the information above is not an indication of the total duration of all activities. These timings do not factor in queuing times, waiting for payment and delay to customer deliverables. 

In addition to these costs, each relevant contract throughout the process will contain Management Support costs to cover the Western Power project support and management resources required to support the delivery of the customer project processing works, including but not limited to administration of contracts, preparing project documentation and deliverables, meetings and communication with the customer, and ongoing sponsorship of the customer Enquiry/Connection Application within Western Power. These cost estimates will be based on an allowance of up to 8 hours per week over the duration of the contracted timeframe. 

Following the cancellation, expiry, termination or variation of any invoice the applicant may be liable to pay an administration fee of $550 (inclusive of GST).

A generic schedule containing all the connection process activities, timeframes and customer deliverables can be found here. This will be tailored to your project once we have received and assessed your Connection Application as being complete. 

Stage Contract Activity Estimate cost* (excluding GST) Estimate timeframe* WP deliverable(s) to customers
Enquiry Enquiry Processing Contract (EPC) Connection Options Assessment $25,000 8 weeks Connection Options Assessment Pack
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Connection Application Fee $5,000 20 business days Connection Application Data Assessment
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Connection Options Assessment (if required) $25,000 8 weeks Connection Options Assessment Pack
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC)

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Steady State Study (If Western Power completes study)


Steady State Study – Due diligence Review (If Western Power reviews customer self-serve study)




10 weeks


6 weeks

Steady State Study Report


Feedback on customers Steady State Study Report

Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Grid Input Package (Generators only) $30,000 8 weeks Grid Input Package
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Model Due Diligence


GPS Assessment R0 Validation (Generators only)




2 weeks


4 weeks

GPS Assessment Report
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Load Model Assessment (If Western Power completes assessment)


Load Model Due Diligence (If Western Power reviews customer self-serve assessment)




8 weeks


2 weeks

Load Model Assessment Report


Feedback on customers Load Model Assessment Report

Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Community Engagement and Environmental Desktop Assessment $15,000 2 weeks Community Engagement Desktop Assessment

Environmental, Land and Heritage Desktop Assessment
Initiation Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Scope Definition $30,000 5 weeks Scope Definition Report
Scoping Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Project scoping including Concept Design and Class 4 Estimate


Project scoping including Concept Design and Class 3 Estimate

$75,000 - $350,000


$100,000 - $410,000

16 – 24 weeks


18 – 28 weeks

Project Scoping Report
Planning Processing Proposal Contract (PPC) Access Offer Preparation $55,000 14 weeks

Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Tripartite Deed (PPC)

Dynamic Studies $55,000 10 weeks Dynamic Studies Report
Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Tripartite Deed (PPC)

EMT Studies Stage 1 $30,000 5 weeks EMT Studies Report (Stage 1)
Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Tripartite Deed (PPC)

EMT Studies Stage 2 $55,000 10 weeks Updated EMT Studies Report (Stage 2)
Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Tripartite Deed (PPC)

Detailed Design Project Specific Project Specific N/A
Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Tripartite Deed (PPC)

Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (including GPS Assessment R1 & R2 Validation), and Project Close Out Project Specific Project Specific Practical Completion
Approval to Operate
Execution Interconnection Works Contract (IWC)

Electricity Transfer Access Contract (ETAC)

Non-thermal Limits Equation Study up to $40,000 up to 8 weeks Non-Thermal Limits Equation Study report