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The Organisation

Western Power is a Western Australian State Government owned corporation responsible for building, maintaining and operating an electricity network that connects our 2.3 million customers to traditional and renewable energy sources, delivering an essential service to our community.

The Scope

Western Power is seeking registrations of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations, for the provision of Single Phase Voltage Regulators to be suitable for use on the Western Power 33kV/19.1kV, and 22kV/12.7kV, AC distribution systems throughout the State of Western Australia, in conditions where a wide range of solar radiation, pollution (salt bearing) and wind velocities are experienced. Single Phase Voltage Regulators are required for pole mounted and for ground mounted (inverted culvert) situations. 

The overriding functional requirements for the Voltage Regulators are: 

  1. They must provide safe and secure operation, ensuring minimal risk to the public.
  2. There must be safe access for inspection and maintenance by operational personal.
  3. They must provide the network with consistent voltage adjustments consistent with the settings applied. 

In addition, the following functional requirements are applicable: 

a) The primary function of the Voltage Regulator in the various sizes is to boost its incoming voltage and provide an outgoing voltage adjustable by +/- 10% in 0.625% increments as the minimum performance rating. Incoming voltage may be applied to both sides of the Voltage Regulator, and are required to handle Reverse Power Flow.

b) All primary Voltage Regulators shall operate at 50 Hz and be suitable for outdoor use.

c) All Voltage Regulators, shall be communication ready and where possible, shall be DNP3 compatible.

d) All Voltage Regulators shall be designed to eliminate attacks and impact from cockatoos, rodents, reptiles and other animals, as far as is reasonably practicable.

e) All Voltage Regulators shall be designed and supplied with consideration of the potential impacts to the environment, to be as low as reasonably practicable, particularly with respect to containment of:

  1. hazardous materials.
  2.  noise.
  3. chemical emissions.
  4. protection of biodiversity. 

f) All Voltage Regulators shall be permanently marked for easy identification, i.e. equipped with a name / rating plate that complies with AS 60076.1. 

While Western Power traditionally use open bushing Voltage Regulators, we request proposals with elbow/boot connectors to provide improved safety and environmental performance. 

Registration Requirements

Suppliers are required to respond to the following for the ROI submission:

  • Provide information to demonstrate track record and capability in delivering Voltage regulators in relation to the high-level Scope requirements stated above. Please add information related to each of the requirements, including manufacturing capacity, supply channels and estimated lead times.   
  • Reference from at least three customers who have been supplied similar services.
  • Safety, Health & Environment information to be requested as part of this exercise.

To be considered for the inclusion in the Request for Proposal, please REGISTER your interest using the form below by 4PM (AWST) Friday, 28th June 2024.

Please ensure the following details are included in your registration:

  • Advertised event number(s): Please specify which advertised number(s) you are responding to: P00625  – Periodic Supply and Delivery of Voltage regulators
  • Commodity Code: Commodity Code Number and name i.e. 72102201 - Electric Power Systems installation or service

Please note that registering for the opportunity does not guarantee that you will be invited to participate in a market event or become a supplier of Western Power.

Further information

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Lorena Palencia – Senior Category & Contracts Specialist


Registrations of interest

Contact information

Contact information

Company information

Company information

Registration of interest

Organisation safety record (including any subcontractors working for you)

Has your organisation, including parent and subsidiary entities, been fatality free for the last five years?

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) TRIFR further information

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) TRIFR further information

Supporting documents

Supporting documents

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