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The energy sector is rapidly changing with the growth of renewables and new technology. We’re committed to transforming the grid to ensure a decarbonised future, where much of the generation is supplied by renewable energy.

As part of this, Western Power is keen to work with businesses who have or are developing innovative energy solutions that supports our grid evolution.

By using emerging technologies, we’re working towards connecting more renewables while making sure we continue to deliver safe, efficient, and reliable power to the Western Australian community.

On an annual basis, we produce the Transmission System Plan (TSP) and Network Opportunity Map (NOM) which summarises our proposed network development plans and identifies potential opportunities for network and non-network solutions. Examples of non-network solutions include demand management battery storage options or an alternative option.

Transmission System Plan

The TSP outlines the challenges and opportunities on the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) transmission system in the coming decade. It also  provides  a summary of Western Power’s proposed network development plans to address power system security and reliability  while maximising the long-term interest of customers. . The TSP takes into consideration supporting documents for future transmission plans.

The TSP is produced as per the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules Transmission System Plan.

The draft Transmission System Plan 2023, and an invitation for public feedback submissions was published in July 2023 and was open for public submission for 20 business days until 23 August 2023.

The final TSP 2023 can be found below along with the summarised feedback and responses to submissions.

Network Opportunity Map

The NOM provides a snapshot of the South West Interconnected System’s performance, and our challenges and objectives for the next five to 10 years. It offers insight into how we plan, develop and maintain the grid as well as the forecasting methods we use to inform this going forward. The primary purpose of the NOM is to provide opportunities available to businesses to become involved in providing non-network solutions to the grid, such as demand management, battery storage options or an alternative option.

The NOM is produced annually and published before October, together with the TSP in accordance with the Electricity Network Access Code Chapter 6A – Alternative Options.

The NOM is extensive, and together with the TSP, it sets out the opportunities for small and large businesses in WA to provide solutions to issues in the changing energy sector. The NOM covers both transmission and distribution, while the TSP is focused on transmission only.

To help guide businesses keen to provide a service, we’ve also provided an Alternative Options Strategy, which details how we’ll engage with to develop non-traditional solutions. A Model Alternative Options Service Contract template is also available to provide an example of how businesses can provide alternative options to Western Power.

Registrations of Interest

Businesses can register their interest by completing the form below. Alternatively, you can contact us to tell us about your solutions and ideas.

Register your interest below to be notified about future opportunities.

Network Opportunity Map

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